The Mississippi River is the great American river. Because of this, its story is all of our story. The primary goal of The River Sonnet project is to help people re-imagine the landscapes and cultures that surround them by asking residents and visitors to showcase their favorite or most troubling places in new and interesting ways. Here are things you can do to help.
During the course of our travels up and down the river, we have come into contact with a variety of organizations that are dedicated to improving the conditions of at risk ecologies and communities that make their homes in the valley. Your donation will help us to help these organizations with their vital work. It will also help us to continue engaging with the people and places featured in our project through public screenings and discussion sessions with community and student groups. In these discussions, we help bring light to the pressures facing people and the places they love, not in some distant lecture hall, but close to home, where they live. This programming is also dedicated to helping individual communities establish a greater sense of agency in their building of sustainable relationships with the landscapes that set their lives with purpose, possibility and beauty. All donations over $25 are eligible to receive a signed print of either a photograph or broadside of one of the poem sequences.
Share Your River Story
The primary purpose of The River Sonnet is to convey an honest snapshot of life for the the various creatures, communities and ecosystems living in the Mississippi River Valley. We have done this by spending protracted periods of time in the wildernesses and neighborhoods that line the river's banks. The full story of the river, though, can only be told collaboratively through the people who love it. Here is you chance. Please email us or click one of the links below to share your artwork, poetry, photography, videos, essays, blogs, media links or announcements with us and our fellow artists, storytellers and river stewards.